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Re: [PhillyOnRails] Thanks! And topic idea.
On Feb 28, 2007, at 11:26 AM, Mark Chadwick wrote:
I recently wrote a acts_as_translatable plugin. It meshes well
with Globalize (or similar). The idea is to have translatable
fields on models where it doesn't really fit in to pre-translated
strings. For example:
I have a product that asks users questions. The questions are in
the DB, and users can make their own questions. I want the same
questions to be asked to everyone, but I want it to be the the
correct language, so:
class Question < AR::Base
acts_as_translatable [:title, :body]
And in the migration:
That way, when I have a Question, and I do <%= question.body %>,
It's going to check with Globalize, see what the current language
is, and display the correct translation.
Well. That was quite a spiel. Anyone want to see a presentation on
So this works in conjunction with Globalize? It seems like the same
functionality as the function 'translates' that globalize adds to
AR::Base. So:
class Question < AR::Base
translates :title, :body
The only difference I see is the migration, where globalize uses the
master translation table to store the translated text. Is this
option more efficient perhaps?
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