David Bogus on 27 Apr 2007 23:39:16 -0000

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Re: [PhillyOnRails] Philly agile?

  • From: "David Bogus" <davidbogus@gmail.com>
  • To: talk@phillyonrails.org
  • Subject: Re: [PhillyOnRails] Philly agile?
  • Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2007 19:39:06 -0400
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  • Reply-to: talk@phillyonrails.org
  • Sender: talk-bounces@phillyonrails.org

I am a member of AgilePhilly. I just lurk on this list though, have
yet to be able to make a meeting.

The mailing list of AgilePhilly don't have much traffic. The meetings
have been averaging about 30, since we hosted the Simple Design and
Testing Conference, http://www.sdtconf.com/, in October.

I've been wanting to see if could get the groups more linked.  Perhaps
with a speaker like John Long.


p/s  On the mailing list I vote for obscuring the email address.

On 4/27/07, Justin W. Reagor <justinwr@gmail.com> wrote:
I was looking into them a few months ago, because of how much I love
the Rails group. No insult or anything, but they didn't seem like
they had much of any activity.

:: Justin W. Reagor
:: justinwr@gmail.com

On Apr 27, 2007, at 5:00 PM, Mat Schaffer wrote:

> Hey, is anyone here also part of the philly agile users group?
> -Mat
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