missing the attachment
On Jun 6, 2007, at 10:17 AM, GREG NEELEY wrote:
> To Rail-ites in the City of Brotherly Love,
> Hello from Kansas City.
> CAVEAT EMPTOR. For those who who dislike receiving
> MS-WORD attachments, please delete this e-mail before
> downloading attachments.
> Justin R.,
> Just a follow-up example attached comparing a simple
> Objective-C
> program to the same task using Ruby on the Mac. It
> sheds some light on naming conventions often used in
> Cocoa applications.
> You "ain't just whistin' dixie" when you talk about
> some awkward
> naming conventions in Cocoa, which uses the
> Objective-C "NS" calls
> in the Foundation Toolkit.
> This reminded me of the old days when you wrote X code
> and had every line of code beginning with something
> like "Xt" or "Xlib" with
> the GUI Motif calls staring with "Xm". When you call
> "every animal
> in the barn XtHorse or XmCow", I don't think it
> particularly improves
> readability.
> Of course, it was Disraeli who said, "it's easier to
> be critical than to be correct", so I thought I'd at
> least write a side-by-side (attached as a WORD
> file):-)
> Hope this helps. I do still enjoy using Objective-C,
> and will never give up C entirely. However, the
> "line-by-liner" shows the appeal of using Ruby
> instead. Less LOC to get calculation entities such as
> arrays rendered as objects means far fewer headaches
> in the maintenance phase, where 70% of project budgets
> are spent.
> -Greg.
> --- "Justin W. Reagor" <justinwr@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Mac graphics with Quartz look promising, too.
>> Thanks
>>> for the news on Ruby and Leopard.
>> I am not 100% sure, but I think you can use Quartz
>> graphics with
>> RubyCocoa. Not sure if it fits your application
>> needs or not... but
>> here are a couple links for the mailing list anyway.
>> http://rubycocoa.sourceforge.net/HomePage
> http://metaatem.net/2007/05/27/your-first-few-days-on-rubycocoa
>> I completed the small tutorial last night, wasn't
>> too bad. But I do
>> hate the naming conventions for Apple's Cocoa
>> namespaces.
>> Take care,
>> :: Justin Reagor
>> :: justinwr@gmail.com
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