Darian Anthony Patrick on 18 Jun 2007 15:10:38 -0000

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Re: [PhillyOnRails] Save the Date: July 10

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Is your talk only 15 minutes long?  I'm trying to get an idea of when
the meeting will end.

Erin Mulder wrote:
> Still waiting to confirm the room reservation, but it looks like the
> next PhillyOnRails meeting (after tonight's PubNite) will be:
> Tuesday, July 10, 2007
> Drexel University (exact room TBA)
> Food TBD (probably pizza and soda)
> Sponsor TBD (let me know if you want to sponsor!)
> 6:00pm - Ruby 101
>          A 1-hour introduction to Ruby that focuses heavily on
>          features/idioms that are hard to learn by Google alone.
>          (If this is successful, we will start holding 6pm intro
>          sessions on a regular basis.  Experienced Rubyists can
>          come early to help beginners or just show up at 7pm for
>          the main event.)
> 7:00pm - Globalize by Mat Schaffer
>          Description coming...
> 8:45pm - Rails Deployment by Erin Mulder
>          Introduction to production Rails deployment, covering
>          topics such as mongrel, mongrel clustering, apache,
>          proxies, nginx, postgresql, mysql, database clustering,
>          capistrano, virtualization, hosting options, etc.
> I'll send out a final notice and call for RSVPs when I get confirmation
> on the room.
> Cheers,
> Erin
> PS. Check out the meetings page for other upcoming topics, including
> JRuby, Email In/Out with Ruby, RSpec, Erlang and more:
> http://www.phillyonrails.org/community/Meetings
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- --
Darian Anthony Patrick, ZCE, GWAS
Principal, Application Development
Criticode LLC
(215) 240-6566 Office
(866) 789-2992 Facsimile
Web:   http://criticode.com
Email: darian@criticode.com
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