It would be great to have a talk on REST -- the difference in the code
for RESTful views and controllers, what you do to routes.rb, the
practical benefits or pitfalls, whether you can actually build a
useful standalone REST client (perhaps in a different language), when
you'd want to go this way (or split your app to be part RESTful and
part old-style), etc.
That could be part of a "Rails 2" discussion, but I think there's
enough there for it to be a full topic on its own.
On Nov 16, 2007 7:01 AM, Colin A. Bartlett
Fellow Rubyists,
I'm shaping up a meeting at Drexel for December 3rd or 4th so keep the
dates open.
I've got one speaker lined up, David Bogus chatting about agile
Anyone else care to speak at this meeting?
Any topic ideas for our 6 PM to 7 PM 'beginner' chit-chat?
More details to follow as they get worked out.
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