Brian Donahue on 7 Feb 2008 09:32:34 -0800

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Re: [PhillyOnRails] Mongrel/Ubuntu Newb Question

Yeah... the last thing I want to do right now is read a whole book on Rails deployment :)

I found some tutorials for deploying on Windows with Apache or IIS.  Might check those out.  At least I have an idea what error messages mean on that environment :)

On Feb 7, 2008 11:55 AM, Steve Eichert <> wrote:
I'm not sure it will provide what you're looking for buy you might want to checkout Deploying Rails Applications by The Pragmatic Programmers:

On Feb 7, 2008 11:30 AM, Brian Donahue <> wrote:
By the way,

During all this, I did try a Jumpbox for Redmine ( and while that was super-cool in that you just download a VM, run it on a VM player, and you have a fully functional application, it only runs on port 80 and as I said, that's a no go in my current configuration.

But I thought I'd plug them as they have a bunch of open source apps on VMs (Trac, Bugzilla, and more)  that you can just download and try out for free.  If you like, you can register (seems to be about $29) and get some extra features (like not having their nav appear at the top of all pages). 

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