John Nolan on Mon, 24 Jan 2000 12:07:35 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Writing unit tests in Perl.

> I've been reading the XP book and am impressed with its focus on testing as
> a basic coding task.  Writing effective unit tests is something I have never
> really gotten a good grasp on, especially with Perl/CGI type applications.  
> Anyone have any good pointers to tutorials/documentation/books that might
> enlighten the novice test writer?

You probably thought of this already, but you might want
to have a look at the regression tests that are included
with a lot of Perl modules.  Some of these are quite lengthy
and they test all sorts of features.  Off the top of my head,
I don't remember what sort of tests has, but you might
have a look at these, as an example of how to test a CGI program. 

# John Nolan
# jpnolan sonic net
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