mjd-perl-pm on Sat, 29 Jan 2000 01:22:06 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Perl Ripping Event

> Nicolai Rosen wrote:
> >  So what does everybody think? "Dumb idea Nicolai! Shut your trap!" 
> Shut your trap, Nicolai.  This is a GREAT idea.  :-)

I thought it was a fun idea also.  Some of the articles I'm most
proud of follow that pattern.   I have a couple at


that I've been planning to write up.

> I think Jeff Pinyan was doing an 'ineffective perl programming' 
> article/web page/presentation highlighting stupid sins of Perl.

That was Michael Schwern.  Jeff did the CRAP/SOAP project which had
something to do with Matt's Script Archive.  I copied both in hopes of
getting URLs and more information.

> Nat Torkington gave a Sins of Perl presentation at yapc last year,

I thought he did `lies we tell about Perl'.

> Anyone remember anything more about either of these?  URLs perhaps?
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