Nicolai Rosen on Thu, 3 Feb 2000 01:37:42 -0500 (EST)

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Re: ESR at Penn

I want to continue executing other code, but if somebody types stuff in I
want to then process that.
Anywhere as in a specific location

On Thu, 3 Feb 2000, Robert Spier wrote:

> >>>>> "NR" == Nicolai Rosen <> writes:
>   NR> It it just open invite? Can we just show up?
>     Yup.  First 199 people get seats.  Next 20 or 30 can stand.  (We
> then determine where we can fit anyone else.)  After that, we start
> turning people away :)
>   NR> Incidently, that's just 2 days after he's speaking at my HS.
>     Kewl.  I think the only famous person to visit my HS while I was
> there was Cassius Clay.  
>   NR> Oh, and on a more perl related note as nobody on comp.lang.perl.misc
>   NR> replied, how would I:
>   NR> 1. Read in a character in at a time in perl
>   NR> 2. Not wait for input, but still accept it (fork?)
> Need more info.
>   NR> and 3. output text anywhere on a console screen
> Anywhere as in randomly?  Or anywhere as in at a specific location?
> For the second one, there are some modules on CPAN for that, Curses,
> Ansisomething, etc...
> Hmm.. I think PerlfaqPrime ( should include the 
> normal perlfaq stuff, for one stop shopping :) 
> -R
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-Nicolai Rosen

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