Kevin Falcone on Mon, 14 Feb 2000 13:21:21 -0500 (EST)

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Re: What meeting to come to

>>>>> "NR" == Nicolai Rosen <> writes:

  NR> On Sun, 13 Feb 2000 wrote:
  >> > The suggestions we had on Monday night were for Pamplona, or Brasil.
  >> > 
  >> > Pamplona serves tapas,

  >> Not any more.  As of las tmonth, Pamplona is Dmitri's, and the
  >> menu, while similar, is not tapas-like.  In particular the prices
  >> have all gone up.

  NR> Excuse my ignorance, but what are tapas?

Tapas is a style of meal where you order a number of small dishes that
the whole table shares. So you eat a little of this, and a little of
that, but none of the plates, or tapas, are a meal by themselves.


Kevin Falcone <>

bletch before baz, except after frob. 
     -- Malcolm Ray

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