Robert Spier on Sun, 13 Feb 2000 23:02:08 -0500 (EST)

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Re: What meeting to come to

  >> The sushi's not definite (although I personally think it's an
  >> excellent idea).

  AT> I haven't heard anyone complain, yet.  :-)

    I don't particularly enjoy fish (that isn't tuna in a can), and
sushi just doesn't appeal to me at all.  :)  

  AT> I can think of about 10 places that serve sushi downtown, and
  AT> all but one have a regular kitchen menu.

  AT> The suggestions we had on Monday night were for Pamplona, or
  AT> Brasil.

  AT> Pamplona serves tapas, and Brasil is a rather nice, meaty
  AT> brazillian restaurant.

Both sounds cool to me.

I think I need to nag the people, figure out if they're
going to follow through this time.


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