Nicolai Rosen on Tue, 22 Feb 2000 17:05:38 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Can I ask a quick stupid question?

That's because it's trying to match the last character of $searcher 1 or
more times. Then it's trying to repeat this procedure twice, but w/ 1 or
more nothings. You want the escape character \+. Of course since you're
doing this for 3 of them & it is w/ a variable, the easiest way to do this
would be to use the \Q escape sequence. It disables all metacharacters.
You end it w/ \E. So here's the regexp test all fixed up:
$teststring =~ /\Q$alteredsearcher\E/

On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, Chris Spurgeon wrote:
> OK, I have this code.....
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> @group1 = qw(foo foofoo foo+++ bar bar+++ foobar);
> @group2 = qw(foo bar);
> foreach $teststring (@group1) {
>     foreach $searcher (@group2) {
>         $alteredsearcher = $searcher . "+++";
>         if ($teststring =~ /$alteredsearcher/) {
>             print "Got a match with $teststring and $searcher\n";
>         }
>     }
> }
> ... what I'm trying to do here is search for a series of strings, where
> the strings happen to end with the characters "+++".  But perl is picking
> up those final characters in $alteredsearcher and it's seeing them as a
> syntax error instead of just three characters. What am I missing here?
> TIA.
> _____________________________________________________________
> Chris Spurgeon     |  "So much time, little to do."  
> WHYY webmaster     |                     -- Stan Laurel
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Nicolai Rosen

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