Nicolai Rosen on Sat, 4 Mar 2000 16:46:08 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Bezos on 1-click ordering

I regret to inform you that I may have to pursue legal action
against you. My organization has spent a considerable amount of time and
resources developing ideas 3, 5, 6, & 9. As you have posession of these
ideas, you have violated our right to protect our trade secret.

On Sat, 4 Mar 2000, John Nolan wrote:
> > 
> > >>My apologies, I think we're off topic already.  :)
> > 
> > LOL... "off the topic?"  I am just happy to see people in here exchanging
> > ideas about something other than where you are going to eat after the next
> > meeting.
> Maybe next time you can have dinner at the patent office.  
> (And you can eat some patents.)  ;)
> After reading the O'Reilly/Bezos article, I started brainstorming 
> about non-software "innovations".  I was thinking of all the neat 
> retail ideas which many shops use, but surely were originally 
> thought up by one company and merely copied by its competitors.  
> Are any of these patented?   
>   2 for 1 sales
>   buyer's club cards
>   coffee shop inside the bookstore
>   bank inside the supermarket
>   book signings / book tours
>   gift certificates
>   gift certificate magentized cards with no fixed amount
>   10% off all day if you sign up for the department store card
>   discount on gas with a car wash
>   pay at the pump (surely implementing this required more
>     development than 1-click shopping)
>   red-colored beer 
> If you want a patent for any of these, let me know.
> I'll send you one.   ;) 
> I'll even frame it for you.  It will be a reframed idea.  ;) 
> -- 
> #-------------------------
> # John Nolan
> # jpnolan sonic net
> #-------------------------
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Nicolai Rosen

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