Adam Turoff on Fri, 10 Mar 2000 00:37:22 -0500 (EST)

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Prescod revisited (fwd)

Forwarded message:
> To:
> cc:
> Subject: Prescod revisited
> Organization: Plover Systems
> Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2000 22:34:28 -0500
> From: Mark-Jason Dominus <>
> I took notice of Prescod today because he put up a web page with a
> link to one of my web pages:
> says
>         Perl literature is littered with apologies for why this stuff
>         is so difficult but for a new programmer, excuses don't add up
>         to much!
> and links to my page explaining perl reference syntax.  I'm rather
> vexed, but I'd be a lot more vexed if Perl reference syntax didn't
> actually suck.
> But gosh, his page is annoying.
>         Here are the properties that make the Perl language difficult
>         to learn:
>         Many features are in the core language rather than in named
>         modules or classes
> That may be one of the stupidest and most pointless points I've
> ever had to encounter in a technical discussion; it's not even *wrong*.
> The depressing thing about this guy is that he hasn't done the
> slightest bit of research; he doesn't even pretend to have
> investigated Perl.  Here's what follows:
>      If you want to understand someone's code, and the code uses
>      Python's "re" module, you look up "re" in the manual. Where does
>      one start in trying to decipher this Perl code: [...]
> I guess beginner programmers like Paul Prescod have to much trouble
> finding the perlre man page.
> Mark-Jason Dominus 	  			       
> I am boycotting Amazon. See for details.

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