Adam Turoff on Tue, 6 Jun 2000 12:56:25 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: fwd: [Perl News] May 31, 2000

On Wed, May 31, 2000 at 08:04:52PM -0400, Walt Mankowski wrote:
> > Our Ziggy, mentioned in the news...
> Damn, you beat me to it!
> Any speculation on how he's managing to post these reports while he's
> out at sea?  When I was on a cruise a few years ago we couldn't even
> make phone calls.

PPP over satellite, I believe.

The ship had a computer room next to the library with a bunch of 
dumb windows terminals that could be used to browse the web or
send email from the ship's mail server.  I could have used a 
webmail type interface, but instead I paid the exhortionary price-per-msg
plus connect time.  No ethernet drops, and no floppy drives, so I paid
to type up the messages (which is one reason why they were so short).

While we were in Skagway, the mountains surrounding the port were so
high that "the net was down", and ship's radio (satellite) was down as well

Oh, and I had to type into a dinky little HTML textbox.  I would have
appreciated emacs at the time, even if it didn't have vi-mode configured.

Believe it or not, this is a top-of-the-line, brand-spanking-new ship.
Most cruiseships don't have anything like this.  Upcoming refits and 
new ships should have more ethernet drops, and might even have all
the staterooms intranetted.  Don't know how they're going to do IP 
accounting if it's the same as the sattelite network, though.


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