Meng Weng Wong on Wed, 1 Nov 2000 14:43:28 -0500 (EST)

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Re: movies (fwd)

On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 11:59:47AM -0500, Frank Gallagher wrote:
| Holy cow!  "Blade Runner" is such a superior movie as the director's cut,
| In the theatrical release, Deckard explains everything he's doing and such.
| In the d-cut, he seems so bugnuts and cold hearted.  He's such a better,
| deeper character in the d-cut.

i humbly suggest that to appreciate the director's cut for
what it is, and to appreciate the story a little more, one
should first have seen the theatrical release.

so what i usually do for bladerunner newbies is show them
the theatrical release first, and then follow with the
director's cut.  if they want to read DADOES, that's up to

analysis is much enriched when there are comparisons to be
drawn.  or, to put it another way, PYTHON SUXX!!!!!!@#%#!!
(just kidding :)

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