John Kirk on Sat, 30 Dec 2000 10:11:07 -0500 (EST)

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Re: International Smokeless barbecue trip

On Fri, Dec 29, 2000 at 06:31:13PM -0500, wrote:
> Just to clarify, Lunch at the ISB at 1PM tomrrow is still on, snow or
> no snow.  

  I'm still planning to attend.  I'll be away from email starting
pretty soon.  I attempted to call International Smokeless Barbecue,
to verify that they'll be open, and got no answer.  Their phone number
in the Philly phone book, is:
                                (215) 599-8844

  I don't have a phone for Meng, nor a full address, so if I miss
folks somehow I'd appreciate a call at my cell phone:

                John Kirk:   (215) 519-0885

to bring me up to date.

            regards,     -- John Kirk
                            Dystan Hays Studios
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