Walt Mankowski on Fri, 23 Nov 2001 17:48:06 -0500

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Mystery Programming Language

This message was posted in error to mutt-users a few days ago.  Can
anyone guess what programming language he's using?


P.S.  If you reply, please include some spoiler space so that other
people can guess.  Thanks.

----- Forwarded message from Tim Johnson <tim@johnsons-web.com> -----

Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 17:59:43 -0900
From: Tim Johnson <tim@johnsons-web.com>
To: mutt-users@mutt.org
Subject: Reading a Function parameter

Hello All:
	I have written a function that is meant to process
a word behind the cursor.
The objective is to press Ctrl-d at the end of a word
with the following result:

# starting with
# press Ctrl-d at end of the word and get
cgi/?? 'test test

# here is the function that I have written:
function! Debug()
 let wrd=expand("<cWORD>")
  exe "norm! bicgi/?? '\<Esc>ea \<cWord> \<Esc>"

# the result of this is 
cgi/?? 'test <cWORD> 
# instead of
cgi/?? 'test test

How do I properly translate <cWORD> to it's

Pointers to documentation and examples would be
Tim Johnson <tim@johnsons-web.com>

----- End forwarded message -----

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