Kyle R . Burton on Thu, 28 Feb 2002 16:42:45 -0500

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Help, LWP::UserAgent and Devel::DProf incompatible?

I'm trying to profile code by using Devel::DProf.  The code happens to also
be making use of LWP::UserAgent.  For some reason when I run code by itself,
it runs fine.  When it run it with Devel::DProf, it fails.  Running it 
like this:

  perl -d:Dprof

causes a segfault.  Running it like this:

  perl -d -MDevel::DProf

at least lets it run, but LWP::UserAgent seems to immeadly return a 500
error with the message:

  500 Can't report tag lists yet

My perl -v indicates that I've got: v5.6.1 

Are there well known incompatabilities between LWP and DProf that I just
don't know about?

Does anyone know anything that might be able to help?

Thanks for your help,

use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();

my $x = 100;
print "fetching $x copies of index.html.";
for( 1 .. $x ) {
  my $res = $ua->request( HTTP::Request->new('GET','http://localhost/') );
  unless( $res->is_success() ) {
    confess $res->error_as_HTML(),"\n";
  print '.';
print "done\n";


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