Eric Roode on Tue, 9 Apr 2002 09:56:57 -0400

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Re: How big is an array?

Kyle R . Burton writes:
 > I beleive the null terminator is maintained by Perl so the string can easily
 > be passed to C funcitons that expect it.  Perl also tracks the length of the
 > scalar seperatly from the char* data (see SvCUR and SvCUR_set for more about
 > that).  In that example, SvCUR would be 5 even though there is 6 bytes
 > of storage used by "BLARF\0".

Cool, good to know.  Thanks for the info.

 > You can toy with the difference between C and Perl easily enough with Inline:

"Easily enough", eh? :-)  Easy for you to say.  I keep wanting to play 
around with Inline.  When I try to install it, it 'make's just fine,
but 'make test' completely blows up:

Failed Test   Status Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/01syntax.t       1   256     5    5 100.00%  1-5
t/02config.t       2   512     3    2  66.67%  2-3
t/03typemap.t      1   256    ??   ??       %  ??
t/04perlapi.t      1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
t/05xsmode.t       1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
Failed 5/6 test scripts, 16.67% okay. 9/11 subtests failed, 18.18% okay.

I haven't had time to dig deeper into what the problem is, or to file
a bug report (if bug it be).  I'll probably wait until it has a 1.x
version number.  Feh!

Eric J. Roode                                  
Senior Software Engineer, Myxa Corporation
$_{"@{[sort/./g]}"}.=$_ for sort<>;$_[s/
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