Adam Turoff on Wed, 8 May 2002 11:14:32 -0400

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Re: fwd: [dcpm] Damian Conway in DC

On Wed, May 08, 2002 at 10:55:28AM -0400, Walt Mankowski wrote:
> Discussion continues for the topic of the second talk, although
> Quantum::Superpositions seems to be winning so far.[1]

Correction: Q::S has won.  :-)

We've got two slots available for Damian: the evening of Thursday June
13th, and the morning of Saturday the 15th.

We're still [re-]voting on what the second talk would be, and when to
schedule each talk.  Current contenders are SelfGOL, L,tU&E, Perl6
recap, and something practical (like OO Delegation or Regexp::Common).
(See for full details.)

If you plan on coming down, pipe up and say what you'd want to hear
(and when you're most likely to come down to hear it).  :-)

Apologies for the lack of notice here; it slipped my mind early
this morning.  After Damian leaves DC, he'll be travelling to NYC.
Not sure what they're scheduling up there yet...


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