Kyle R . Burton on Tue, 16 Jul 2002 15:30:48 -0400

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Perl::Tk slowness?

We're expereincing some strange behavior with Tk, I was hoping that some of 
you might have some insight into what's going on.

We have the following program:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Tk;

my $mw = new MainWindow();
my $widget = $mw->Button(-text => 'bleh')->pack;

my $dialog = $widget->toplevel->DialogBox(
  -title   => 'Alert',
  -buttons => [ qw(OK) ]
$dialog->add('Label',-text => "Alert!")->pack(-side=>'top');

$dialog = $widget->DialogBox(
  -title   => 'Alert',
  -buttons => [ qw(OK) ]
$dialog->add('Label',-text => "Alert 2!")->pack(-side=>'top');


We're running this under Linux.  When we run it, under certin circumstances,
there is quite a noticable delay before the contents of the alert dialog
box shows up.  We can't figure out what is causing the delay.

Some things we've observed are:
- If we run it localy under WindowMaker, it comes up almost 
- Tunnled through ssh from another box it's a bit slower (which might 
  be from the ssh tunnel, but still undesierable and confusing).  
- Run remotely from the same box, but not tuneled (DISPLAY=otherBox:0.0) 
  it runs fast.
- Run localy from KDE, it is slow.

We [I] don't know what could be causing this.  Has anyone seen anything
like this before?


Kyle R. Burton


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