Schuyler D. Erle on Sat, 28 Jun 2003 22:35:13 -0400

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Re: Amusing trivial program

Mark, O'Reilly is collecting cute hacks like this one at (The relevance to Google in particular caught my
eye.) It would be cool if you were of a mind to submit it there (or let me
know if I can do so, with proper attribution, of course).


On Sat, 28 Jun 2003, Mark Dominus wrote:

>         #!/usr/bin/perl
>         if (! @ARGV && -t STDIN) {
>           @ARGV = qw(/usr/local/apache/logs/perl-access_log);
>         }
>         while (<>) {
>           chomp;
>           my ($target, $referrer) = (split)[6,10];
>           next unless $referrer =~ /google\.com/;
>           $referrer =~ s/"$//;
>           my ($q) = $referrer =~ m/(?<=[&?])q=([^&]*)/; # >)/;
>           next unless defined $q;
>           unescape($q);
>           $ref{$target}{lc $q}++;
>         }
>         for my $target (sort keys %ref) {
>           print $target, "\n";
>           for my $ref (sort keys %{$ref{$target}}) {
>             printf "\t%4d %s\n", $ref{$target}{$ref}, $ref;
>           }
>         }
>         sub unescape {
>           $_[0] =~ tr/+/ /;
>           $_[0] =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/chr hex $1/ge;
>         }
> Given my apache httpd log file, the program above produces output
> of several sections of the form:
>         /yak/dirty/
>                    3 dirty stories
>                    1 how to dirty talk
>                    1 perl regex
> which tells us that yesterday, one person arrived at
> after doing a Google search for
> 'perl regex', one after searching for 'how to dirty talk', and three
> after searching for 'dirty stories'.  That is, at least four of these
> five people were disappointed.
> On the other hand, the corrsponding section for
>         /obfuscated/
>                    3 obfuscated perl code
>                    2 obfuscated perl contest
> suggests that those people probably got what they wanted, or something
> like it.
> Perusal of the output is fun and enlightening.  
> -
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