Walt Mankowski on Sun, 17 Aug 2003 10:01:12 -0400

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fwd: [pm_groups] damian boston classes in sept./oct.

----- Forwarded message from Uri Guttman <uri@stemsystems.com> -----

To: pm_groups@pm.org
From: Uri Guttman <uri@stemsystems.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 00:54:42 -0400
Subject: [pm_groups] damian boston classes in sept./oct.

<please forward this to your pm group if you think there is interest

hi to all perl mongers:

well, i am glad to announce that damian conway is coming back to boston.

he will be teaching three classes over four days from Monday, September
29 through Thursday, October 2, 2003.

we have decided upon 2 of the classes and have narrowed the third one
down to two choices. go to the class site to read about the classes and
send your choice for which one you would rather attend. all the
information about the classes can be found at:


as soon as we finalize the class choice, we will open registration. this
should happen in a few days. the pricing, discounts and location are all
the same as the last set of classes.

as usual, feel free to ask me any questions about the classes.



Uri Guttman  ------  uri@stemsystems.com  -------- http://www.stemsystems.com
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs  ----------------------------  http://jobs.perl.org
pm_groups mailing list

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