David Steuber on Fri, 3 Oct 2003 05:08:57 -0400

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Re: Perl 5.8.1 'make test' failure on OS X 10.2

On Thu, Oct 02, 2003 at 04:18:10AM -0400, David Steuber wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I just finished running 'make test' for Perl 5.8.1.  I had three
> failures.  I'm not worried about two of them as they relate to DB.
> Apple supplies a rather old version and I haven't looked into replacing
> it yet.
> The one that does worry me is this one:
> lib/Net/t/hostname...................Use of uninitialized value in
> string eq at ../lib/Net/t/hostname.t line 39.
> Use of uninitialized value in string eq at ../lib/Net/t/hostname.t line
> 39.
> FAILED at test 1
> Here is the code of ../lib/Net/t/hostname.t in the locus of the failure:
> # This check thats hostanme does not overwrite $_
> my @domain = qw(foo.example.com bar.example.jp);
> my @copy = @domain;
> my @dummy = grep { hostname eq $_ } @domain;
> ($domain[0] && $domain[0] eq $copy[0])
>   ? print "ok 2\n"
>   : print "not ok 2\n";
> line 39 is the 'my @dummy' line.
> The symbol 'hostname' is imported from Net::Domain.  A cursory glance
> doesn't tell me where $_ was initialized.  This file is invoked from a
> test harness.
> So, should I worry, or should I just go ahead with 'sudo make install'?

The point has become moot.  I decided to throw caution to the winds
(make sure you are upwind when you do this) and run 'sudo make install'.
The earth is still rotating, so I guess things worked out.

David Steuber           |  telco:610.436.1677
302 E Marshall St       |  http://www.david-steuber.com/
Apt 612                 |  (do ((a 1 b) (b 1 (+ a b)))
West Chester, PA 19380  |      (nil a) (print a))
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