Meng Weng Wong on 8 Dec 2003 12:30:01 -0500

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Re: perl -wc

> The codebase has grown (it's about 1030 [Perl] source files at this
> point) and the process of running the perl -wc now takes quite a while.  
> Is there any way to perform the same operation from within a
> script/program without resorting to the fork/exec? I'd like a utility
> that could crawl the source tree testing each module to see if it
> compiles cleanly - I just want it to be fast.

are you testing all 1030 files each time you run the test, or only the
files that have changed since the last test?

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  • Follow-Ups:
  • References:
    • perl -wc
      • From: "Kyle R. Burton" <>
    • Re: perl -wc
      • From: (Mark Dominus)