Jeff Abrahamson on 11 Jan 2004 14:01:15 -0000

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Re: What use is the Schwartzian Transform?

On Sun, Jan 11, 2004 at 12:03:52AM -0500, James E Keenan wrote:
> So this is a good reason to use the Schwartzian Transform -- but how big 
> a list do we have to have before the Transform becomes faster than a 
> simple sort?

No, I disagree.  We should use form C for precisely the reason Mark
states: it is clearer to those who follow.  I stand by this even if it
takes twice as much time, unless you profile and tell me that
sometimes this time is significant.

Significance (for me) would mean that the improvement from changing to
the more dense coding form would be an important improvement in the
running time of the code, or else that under some reasonable
circumstances a user would have to wait too long for an interactive
program.  I see neither of these very often in real software, although
it happens.

Our biggest challenges in software engineering (outside research) is
how to make our code maintainable and reduce error rates.  Certainly
programmer time is the most expensive cost in most projects.  Worrying
about optimization too early and without profiling is generally a
waste of engineering time.  The clearer our code is, the more likely
we are to write fewer errors and the more easily maintainers can touch
our code later.


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>
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