R. Geoffrey Avery on 28 Feb 2005 16:26:17 -0000

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A King of Prussia job where Perl is first on the list

After many moons of not hiring anyone, GlaxoSmithKline Bioinformatics is looking for a Perl person in King of Prussia. It is for a contracting position of not more than 18 months. The description is below. Please send me an email if you are interested or have any questions.

- Geoff

Bioinformatics team needs mature, seasoned Web Engineer to utilize Perl, Web development, SQL and Oracle skills to manipulate and display data in a fast-paced R&D environment. Candidate must be comfortable in a Life Science (R&D) workplace, and must have demonstrated experience with rigorous web development, data management and high-throughput computation management. This position will involve traditional front-end development, candidates should possess Web development experience, as well as experience building APIs. ETL experience taking flat-file data from a variety of sources and loading into Oracle in a distributed computing setting is preferred. Data modeling experience is preferred. Background with Genomics, BioInformatics, Pharma R&D or some hard science is a plus. Needs to be a self starter with excellent communications skills capable of working solo or with a team. REQUIRED:Perl,Web Development,SQL,Oracle,PL/SQL,UNIX. DESIRED: LSF, Scientific Background

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