Eric Roode on 26 Mar 2008 08:40:57 -0700

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Re: Time zone

Quoting Hans Dieter Pearcey <>:

> On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 11:11:43AM -0400, Walt Mankowski wrote:
> > Or make your module a subclass of DateTime?
> using DateTime would be a pretty big additional load.
> Eric, I think Walt meant that under cygwin you could use `date +%Z`, and use
> POSIX::strftime everywhere else.

Indeed.  I'm going to have to do something like this.

Walt: Fixing the POSIX bug is not out of the question, but that would still mean
that everyone who has a dated sometime between 12/1/2005 and [whenever
the bug gets fixed] would not be able to use Time::Format (on cygwin, at

( did not have this bug when I last updated Time::Format).



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