Jonathan Simpson on 20 Jul 2011 12:48:53 -0700

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Re: [Philadelphia-pm] In town for FOSSCON

(meant to post this to the list days ago, but didn't realize "reply" only went to sender)
Howdy from the fosscon team.

Basekamp (the venue hosting fosscon) will be available Sunday midday and afternoon for some informal stuff, talks, chats, whatever. I'll be around, and some others will as well, so if you want to take part feel

Additionally, hive76, a local hackerspace, is moving their open house to
Sunday afternoon.
On 7/19/2011 11:28 AM, James E Keenan wrote:
PHL friends,

Among the Perl types who will be attending FOSSCON from
out-of-town are myself, Patrick Michaud, Rob Blackwell and
Parrot GSOCer Kevin Polulak.

The conference only runs on Saturday, but I have a lot of
time to kill on Sunday before I have to leave town, and I
suspect that may apply to at least one other out-of-towner
as well.

So if there's anyone who wants to meet up on Sunday either
for brunch or for hacking/discussion, please let me know.

Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan
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