Walt Mankowski on 6 Dec 2011 12:15:34 -0800

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Re: [Philadelphia-pm] Reminder: tech meeting Monday night, December 5

On Sun, Dec 04, 2011 at 10:47:01PM -0500, Walt Mankowski wrote:
> Just wanted to send out a reminder about our December tech meeting.
> It will be tomorrow night, Monday December 5, at 7 PM, at our usual
> spot at 307 Levine Hall at Penn.
> I'll be giving a talk on "Getting Started With Multithreaded Perl".
> It's basically the same talk I gave at YAPC in 2009, but I'm guessing
> most people haven't heard it. I did recently actually have an excuse
> to use threads in some research code I'm working on.  I munged that
> into some sample code that I can demo assuming my voice holds out that
> long. (I've on the tail end of a nasty chest cold.)

Thanks to everyone who came out last night and put up with my coughing
and raspy voice.  Aside from the title page, the slides I used last
night are identical to when I gave this talk in 2009 at YAPC::Europe.
Those can be downloaded at


The first Monday of January falls on the 2nd, which is a holiday. So
next we'll be meeting on the second Monday, which falls on January 9.

We need a speaker for January. Anyone have anything they want to talk


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