Ricardo Signes on 8 Jul 2014 08:31:16 -0700

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Re: [Philadelphia-pm] Perl::Dancer Conference 2014

* "Stefan Hornburg (Racke)" <racke@linuxia.de> [2014-07-08T11:26:01]
> The Perl::Dancer Conference is a high quality, inexpensive event organized by
> the Interchange Development Group.  The goal is to learn about modern and
> professional web, database and eCommerce applications written in Perl.

Your email did not include the location or date of the conference.  Although
they're available via the provided links, this is the sort of thing you'll want
to include in future email about the conference, especially announcements to
other user groups.

For anyone else:  it is October 6-9 in Hancock, NY.


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