Chuck Peters on Tue, 29 Apr 1997 04:44:48 -0400 (EDT) |
THE PHILADELPHIA AREA LINUX USERS GROUP The May PLUG meeting topic is "Creative Chaos, Why the Linux world works." PLUG will be the first to hear about the paper Eric Raymond will be presenting in Barvia at the end of May. Why is Linux world not flying apart in confusion? Eric's development of fetchmail has been a deliberate test of some surprising theories about software engineering. His analysis of the "cathedral" model of FSF and its imitators versus the "bazaar" model of the Linux world led to "Linus's Law" which pertains to "Given enough beta testers, all bugs are shallow". WHERE: Cyberloft Cafe, 1525 Walnut Street, 2nd floor 215-564-4380. WHEN: Wednesday, May 7, 1997, 7-9PM COST: NONE PLUG, Philadelphia Linux User's Group meets on the first Wednesday of each month. Many thanks to Mostafa Eldefrawy ( for providing the space and for staying open an hour later than usual once per month for us! Hope to see you there, Chuck Peters