Walt Mankowski on Sun, 11 Oct 1998 23:44:04 -0400 (EDT)

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ACM/IEEE-CS Oct 15 Meeting

Hi!  I thought some of you P(erl|LUG) Mongers might be interested in

I've been going to Princeton ACM meetings for over 10 years.  Every
year they start off their series by presenting a film of award-winning
computer graphics from the recent SIGGRAPH conference.  The videos get
better and better each year, and the speaker is very knowledgeable and
does a great job of explaining the techniques used in making them.

Unfortunately it is a bit of a drive from Philly.  Sarnoff is about an
hour from where I live out on the Main Line, maybe 45-50 minutes from
downtown Philly.  It's not too far from the Princeton Junction train
station, but probably too far to walk.  Directions and a map are
available on their website.

I hope to see some of you there!

Walt Mankowski

----- Forwarded message from John DeGood <jdegood@Sarnoff.COM> -----

From: John DeGood <jdegood@Sarnoff.COM>
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1998 14:03:42 -0400
To: waltman@netaxs.com
Subject: ACM/IEEE-CS Oct 15 Meeting
X-UIDL: 234b404b7836776a6d0b349296d1792e

                       ANNOUNCE 18TH SEASON

For the 18th consecutive year we are beginning our series of
presentations with the popular computer graphics film show,
featuring selected videos from recent ACM/SIGGRAPH conferences.
The meeting announcement appears at the end of this message.



We are pleased to announce the results of the First Princeton
ACM/IEEE-CS Computer Trivia Quiz.  On June 22 approximately 30
"competitors" devoured pizza and sodas and selected questions
(or rather 'answers') revealed by Past Chair Rebecca "Vanna"
Mercuri.  The final round was preceded by a memorable (!) live
keyboard performance of the "Jeopardy" theme music by Rebecca.

The categories spanned a broad range of esoteric subjects including:
Small Stuff (first company to market a computer kit -- NOT Altair or
Apple); Women in Computing (co-author of Pascal User Manual and
Report); Multimedia (kitchen object that frequently appears in
SIGGRAPH videos); ACM (number of ACM professional chapters in NJ);
and Internet (person who coined the term "Hypertext").

The winners were:

   First Place -  Deborah Hill
   Second Place - Andre Bondi
   Third Place -  Laura Matey


                      FREE TO A GOOD HOME

Complete S100 system.  Was working when last plugged in.

* TEI "Microframe" S100 rackmount chassis w/ linear power supply
  (+8v@15A, +16v@2a, -16v@2a)
* Intercontinental Micro Systems Z80A single board computer w/
* Microsprit video board
* Dual 8" floppy drives in TEI enclosure w/ PS.
* Several boxes 8" floppies: CPM, Forth, Perfect Writer, Multiplan
* Centronics 737 9-pin printer for 8.5" tractor feed paper
* Televideo 910+ 80x25 terminal

Contact leeclark@voicenet.com for more details.



                Computer Graphics Film Show
                   SIGGRAPH Video Review

                       Jeff Posdamer

For the eighteenth year in a row, we are kicking off our
season of meetings with the very popular computer graphics
film show.  This will also be the third year for our current
graphics speaker, Jeff Posdamer.  Jeff will be showing some
of the latest and greatest of the computer generated
animated films that were shown at recent ACM/SIGGRAPH
computer graphics conferences.

Jeff will show a variety of technologies:  scientific
visualization graphics, commercial graphics used in
television and movies, and some examples of current computer
graphics research.  The films include everything from
state-of-the-art supercomputer technology to graphics that
can be done with today's personal computers.  Come see why
this is the best attended meeting we have all year.

Date:          Thursday, October 15, 1998, 8:00 pm
Place:         Sarnoff Corp. Routes 1 and 571, Princeton, NJ
Information:    call information number (609) 924-8704,
                 Dennis Mancl (908) 582-7086,
                 John DeGood (609) 734-2028
On-line info:   http://info.acm.org/~princetonacm

A pre-meeting dinner with the speaker is held at 6 pm at
the Rusty Scupper on Alexander Road in Princeton.  If you
would like to attend, please call the information number to
record your reservation on the answering machine.

All ACM / IEEE-CS meeting are open to the public.  Students
and their parents are welcome.  There is no admission
charge, and refreshments are served after the meeting.

----- End forwarded message -----