Martin DiViaio on Sun, 25 Oct 1998 21:05:18 -0500 (EST)

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Two questions...

I have two completely unrelated questions:

First, what time is the PLUG meeting? I know it is the first Wednesday
of the month at the Cyber Cafe.

Second, when I installed Linux on my NEC laptop, I accidentally
corrupted the suspend partition. NEC insists the only way to get it back
is to run a dos utility called phdisk. My question is will phdisk see
"something wrong" with my Linux partitions and try to "fix" them?

                    /)-._    | It may be better to be a live jackal than
                   Y. ' _]   | a dead lion, but it is better still to be
            ,.._   |`--"=    | a live lion. And usually easier
           /    "-/  `.\     |
  /)  sk  |   |_     `\|___  | - Lazarus Long, A fictional character
  \:::::::\___/_\__\_______\ |   created by Robert Heinlein