LeRoy D. Cressy on Sun, 13 Dec 1998 09:46:31 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Does anyone have

Scott Fraser wrote:

> Basically I think Compaqs are the worst for Linux out there, but there
> are plenty of people using them.  The whole Compaq design sucks, with
> their setup utilities in an on-disk partition, their sometimes
> proprietary hardware parts (like mounting kits), the BIOS optimized for
> Windows and not at all "vanilla"...  YUCK!  Give me a nice Asus
> motherboard and a nice Asus case any day over a Compaq, and I'll take
> the money I save and go visit Florida or something.
> -Scott

I think that many have been burned with the propritary nature of both
Compaq and Sony boxes.  I saw a Sony box that had every irq used up that
you could not even add a scsi card!  And these companies say that you
can upgrade their systems!  What a bunch of hooey!

Have a good day :-)
          0 0      L & R Associates
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LeRoy D. Cressy     	 /\_/\		ldc@netaxs.com
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