David E. Edwards on Sat, 16 Jan 1999 12:13:59 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Wilmington service provider

AJM wrote:
>         Would anyone happen to know of a good, Linux friendly, ISP in the
> Wilmington, DE area (local call)?
> Thanks.
> Alistair
> --
I use their Wilmington number - 56K - with my 33.6 modem and have yet to
get a busy signal.  They also have perl script to connect with Linux. 
Also help pages for just about every other OS (including OS/2).
PLUS 6 email addresses, and upto 30meg of home page space.
If you use them, mention me (david.e.edwards@worldnet.att.net) - I might
get a free month :-))

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