Len Pikulski on Sat, 16 Jan 1999 12:33:58 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Wilmington service provider

Feel the force Luke!
Don't go to the Dark Side of communications (opps!, sorry that's my
Bell Atlantic Line)

But ATT's commercials are just as bad (Helen Hunt would be a better

No, Really,
I'm sure ATT is just fine, but it's the SMALL Local guys that NEED
all our support.

Do the "RIGHT" thing, the community will be better off for it.

On Sat, 16 Jan 1999, David E. Edwards wrote:
> I use their Wilmington number - 56K - with my 33.6 modem and have yet to
> get a busy signal.  They also have perl script to connect with Linux. 
> Also help pages for just about every other OS (including OS/2).
> PLUS 6 email addresses, and upto 30meg of home page space.
> If you use them, mention me (david.e.edwards@worldnet.att.net) - I might
> get a free month :-))

   " Paper is only paper.....experience is what it is all about! "
 Len Pikulski            lenp@nothinbut.net           (609) 222-1514

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