Jack Wilkinson on Sat, 16 Jan 1999 13:04:19 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Wilmington Service Provider

Saturday, 16 January 99, it was written:
> I use their Wilmington number - 56K - with my 33.6 modem and have yet to
> get a busy signal.  They also have perl script to connect with Linux. 
> Also help pages for just about every other OS (including OS/2).
> PLUS 6 email addresses, and upto 30meg of home page space.
> If you use them, mention me (david.e.edwards@worldnet.att.net) - I might
> get a free month :-))

... or, even better, AOL!!!  they give you five whole accounts for the
price of one!  And, they force you to get cool names like Sk8rChik69!
*barf* ...

We need to help out the smaller ISP's... they often have much better
tech support in case their help pages leave you cold (unless you dig
listening to the same classical song cycle five times on hold for a
tech who's learning what a C:\> prompt is...).  Not to mention it's rather
difficult to get a static IP from one of the larger places, to be

I'm tired, and can't think anymore :P  Oh, if anyone knows of a place
that might be willing to donate to/sponsor a free services ISP, let me
know... my connections are getting rather small for the number of
users I'm getting...

Jack Wilkinson <jackw@jounce.net>
President - JounceNET Internet Services
America, land of opportunity for Japanese businessmen.

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