Roger Scudder on Mon, 18 Jan 1999 18:56:32 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Wilmington service provider

On Wed, 13 Jan 1999 wrote:

> As a sidebar, You should not concern yourself too much that your
> ISP 'supports' linux.  What is important is that they embrace standard
> technology (i.e. PPP) for dialup.  I'd ask if they have subscribers who 
> use Linux (or other non MS os's) and be content with that.  I generally
> hone in on frequency of busy signals, down time, speed, etc.

I agree with that.  I am using because I don't have
a credit card and, sad but true, don't have the cash to pay for a year
in advance.  Otherwise I would rather give my business to a smaller
company.  My point is that BAnet will only give technical support for
the version of Netscape they currently support and only when it's
running under Windows.  It would be nice if I could call technical
support and chat about Linux, but that is really a very small concern
when compared to the fact that I "never" get busy signals, always get
fast connects, and in this first year I have been a subscriber they
have been up 24/7 every day (except for a few very brief stops on 

> Lots of luck.
> Andy
> :
> :I've been really happy with FASTnet (  Even though they don't
> :"officially" support Linux, I was able to get someone (at 1:30AM, no less!)
> :who walked me though debugging my PPP script, so they do have some
> :expertise.
> :
> :Cheers!
> :-- Tracy
> :-----Original Message-----
> :
> --
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Roger C. Scudder Jr.
Philadelphia, PA, US
I'd rather be running Linux!

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