LeRoy D. Cressy on Sun, 24 Jan 1999 15:25:22 -0500 (EST)

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Re: mounting dos partition

Eugene Sotirescu wrote:
> I've 3 dos partition, that /etc/fstab refers to as:
> /dev/hda1                 /C:                       msdos
> /dev/hda2                 /D:                      msdos
> /dev/hda6                 /E:                       msdos
> -->sudo mount /dev/hda6 /E:
> mounts /E: just fine.
> However, I have bad luck with the other 2:
> -->sudo mount /dev/hda2 /D:
> /dev/hda2: Success
> mount: mount point /D: does not exist
> Any idea why?
> Thanks.

Hi Eugene,

There is an item that msdos will not allow two primary partitions on the
same drive.  

According to DRDOS6.0 Complete:

``If a primary DOS partition already exists, FDISK displays an error
message and won't allow another primary DOA partition.''

The same goes for MSDOS.  There can only be one primary DOS partition on
the disk.  All other DOS partitions must be logical extended partitions.

How did you make the c:\ and d:\ partitions?  If you used the Linux
fdisk or cfdisk then there would be no error messages.  That is the
reason why you are warned to use the fdisk of the operating system that
you are creating rather than using the Linux fdisk to create all of the

Hope that this helps.

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