Kyle Burton on Mon, 25 Jan 1999 08:56:22 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Linux organizer/address book

I've looked at the one that's integrated into Star Office 5.0, and it looks
very extensible.  It integrates with email (to a ceartin extent), and has
scheduling capabilities (think meetings, as well as reminders [i.e. cron
like, but integrated into the calendar thingy]).  As a whole, I've found
Star Office to be very well done (had it crash once or twice), easy
to use (even if a bit slow), and fairly compatible (it has been able to
open all the word documents I've come across, and most of the excel
spreadsheets [though it doesn't do them justice]).

It was worth the download time (at least it was here at work), and I'd 
recommend you try it if you've got the bandwidth.  That being said, I
don't really use it regularly -- I preferr the real stuff to anything 
else (html for documents, pod for source documentation, etc...).

As said earlier on the list, I've found xcal to be well done, but it may
lack some of the nicer features that you're looking for.  I would suspect
that KDE's calendar/scheduler, or Gnome's would be good enough now, and
more than good enough as development continues.

thanks for the kind ear...


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    -- Anonymous (fortune file)                  

On Sun, 24 Jan 1999, Eugene Sotirescu wrote:

> I've been using Sidekick 95 under Win and Claris Organizer under MacOS
> to keep addresses and a calendar of to dos, etc. 
> Is anybody actively using any such software  under Linux? What are your
> recommendations?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Eugene
>  "I have an Apache Web Server that uses CGI forms written in COBOL."
>  							Post in clpm
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