LeRoy D. Cressy on Thu, 28 Jan 1999 12:20:45 -0500 (EST)

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Re: [Fwd: Corel® WordPerfect® 8 for Linux® is here!]

Hi Steve,

Have you checked the compatability documentation that came with your
printer?  Also, I would use the keyboard quotes rather than the wp
character set.  This would make the document more portable.  One of the
items that I did not like was when I saved a document as a postscript
file, all of the fonts became microscopic.  I already wrote to Corel
about this and asked that they provide for importing and exporting LaTeX
files.  Since I use Emacs, X Emacs, and other editors to do various
things, I use "``" for open  quotes and "''" for close quotes.  LaTeX
and html convert thes nicely to look like typeset symbols.  WordPerfect
automatically makes the open and close quotes for the quote keys.  

What print filter are you currently using in your printcap?  That could
be the reason for the fouled up symbols and the soft fonts supplied with
WordPerfect.  Have you installed either magicfilter on your system or
apt filter?  With either of these there is a plethora of printers that
will make your printer behave as you desire.  Buying another new hard
drive could help if you can put both in your box.  I currently have 2
scsi drives, 1 ide drive, 1 ATAPI cdrom in a single tower.  These are
all partitioned mostly with Linux and 2 fat partitions on the ide
drive.  So when you upgrade your system, you can do as I am going to do,
move my scsi drives to the new tower and have the old system just keep
the ide drive.  Also buy a bare bones system so I can set it up to my
specs rather than someone elses.

Stephen Lozowski wrote:
> Thanks for the followup information.  Since you suggested an alternative
> to my printer problem, I'll take the liberty to explain my real problem.
> I have an HP Deskjet 692C.  The closest WP driver I could find is the
> 660C.  This seems to work OK with the printer fonts, except for quotes and
> apostrophes.  These display on the screen and print as weird characters,
> whether I type them from the keyboard or insert them as symbols.  All
> other characters seem fine, although I had general problems using the
> non-printer fonts supplied with WP.

> I look forward to reading your review.  I don't know that the full package
> makes sense to me now, as I am somewhat strapped for space on my '92
> vintage PC which is running W95 and Linux in a dual boot mode.  Instead
> of buying another new hard drive, I would rather wait until I can afford a
> new modern PC devoted to Linux, and convert this machine to my daughter's
> play/school tool.  Well, that's probably more than you wanted to know...
> Cheers,
> Steve Lozowski
> sjlozowski@icdc.com            http://www.ccil.org/~slozowsk
> Alt: slozowsk@locke.ccil.org
> On Sun, 24 Jan 1999, LeRoy D. Cressy wrote:
> > Yesterday I removed the *.bk files with no problem.  The program still
> > worked.  As for the printing problem that you mentioned, I would suggest
> > that you either load the apt print filter program or the magic filter
> > program.  Either of these will make your printer automatically behave as
> > a postscript or whatever printer.  Your printer will be able to print
> > anything, almost ;-).

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