Kyle Burton on Thu, 11 Mar 1999 12:12:37 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Converting old Word Perfect Files

Thanks, I was able to solve it by using Word Pro 97 under Win95 (ick).  I was
having problems with Word (small office edition) under NT.  Thanks
for the help.


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On Thu, 11 Mar 1999 wrote:

> Somewhere, I have a software package that should do the trick, It should bring the
> format to atlease wp5.1.  I bought it several centuries ago, when I needed to
> convert an old wang word processing system to work perfect.  Good thing is it does
> batch processing so if you have a lot of files you can set it up and walk away.
> If you are interested, e-mail me back...
> Bob
> Kyle Burton wrote:
> > Anyone know where I can get a tool taht can convert a few WordPerfect 3.x
> > format files into something more modern?  WP8 for Linux only goes back
> > as far as WP 4.2 files...and MS Word only goes back to WP 6.0 files.
> >
> > I've tried Star Office and it won't convert them eiher.
> >
> > If anyone has access to software that can do this, I'd be very grateful
> > if they could convert them to either rtf, msword, or a newer version of
> > word perfect.
> >
> > Any help will be appriciated.
> >
> > kyle
> >
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> Two days later, there was Pooh,
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