Martin DiViaio on Fri, 12 Mar 1999 15:42:53 -0500 (EST)

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A new hard drive

Well, I've gone and done it. I've ordered a new hard drive for my
laptop. It's 6GB and it will replace my exhisting drive. I would like
some help with setting up the partitions.

I've figured this much out so far:

The first 1024 blocks should be /boot

The VERY last partition must be a 41 MB MSDOS partition. This is so I
can get my suspend/save to disk working.

Also, I'm going to have an 80 MB swap partition. (Or can/should I do
this in two 40MB partitions?)

That's as far as I can get. I am not sure what sort of paritioning I
would need from this point. My current disk drive is 814MB and when I
first installed Linux, I just created three partitions on the disk. One
each for data, swap and suspend. This setup works well but I am told
that larger disks should be split up for data safety.

Thanks for any help you can give me on this.

                    /)-._    Time : Fri Mar 12 07:53:04 1999
                   Y. ' _]
            ,.._   |`--"=    Sin lies only in hurting other people
           /    "-/  `.\     unnecessarily. All other "sins" are
  /)  sk  |   |_     `\|___  invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not
  \:::::::\___/_\__\_______\ sinful -- just stupid.)
- Lazarus Long, a fictional character created by Robert Heinlein

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