Vik Bajaj on Sun, 21 Mar 1999 20:24:20 -0500 (EST)

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RE: FTP as a daemon? / problems with access

> connect fine, but when I'm connecting, disconnecting and then reconnecting a
> lot it sometimes hangs trying to connect.

Do you have a session limit?  What do you mean by "hang"?

> Currently the ftp service is controlled by inetd.conf, is there a way to
> make it run as a daemon the way httpd does?  Would this help me out??

Well, what you should really do is abandon wu-ftpd in favour of proftpd
( as a preliminary step.  

If you've compiled wrappers to support auth by identd, then that is a possible
source of latency.  It is unlikely that simply launching an ftpd outside of
inetd will cure the problems you describe, but it is possible.


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