Paul B. Krause on Thu, 8 Apr 1999 22:44:23 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: more trade fair

These are some idea's that I've been having re: trade fair

1) I kind of like the idea of "Linux: It's all about you" as
a general slogan for linux.
If it chatches on, this might be a good place to distribute
buttons or some such.

2) Regarding the idea at addressing SOHO and personal users,
this seems like an excellent
idea, particularly small offices.  I've seen the idea
proposed in a number of places
that someone (ISPs for example) could provide a kind of
personal-level support for their
linux-using customers.

Besides ISPs, another contender would be system vendors.
I'm thinking of a business
model where, for a resonable price, probably individually
negotiated, a consumer
could purchase a system, some level of consulting and active
support.  Maybe something
like monthly routine visits, periodic consultations about
software and hardware upgrades
and options, performance tunning, etc..

I'm betting that this business model could be very
attractive to people who are nervious
about computers but who are interested in Linux.  A selling
point would be that you, as
a consumer, would not have to resort to calling Microsoft
(or some impersonal vendor),
but had your own expert's at you disposal to do all that
thinking for you and could come
out if necessary, or dial in, if you were having problems.
Because, after all, Linux
is not simple, and I see no signs of it becomming any
simpler any time soon.  Thank god :)

3) In terms of the trade fair itself, It would be nice to
show people alot of monitors with
different window managers/desk-top setups.  It would be even
better to show people how the
same application can run with different window managers.  I
know there are some E-hackers
that come to the meetings, and I've kicked-out a few pretty
looking environts.

It seems that this is would be a dramatic way to get accross
several important point's
about linux:

a) It does have a GUI.  While different from Windows/Mac
GUIs, it is in many ways much more

b) You can make choices relatively consequece-free in
Linux.  That is, if you choose to use
Window Maker instead of E you don't lose the ability to run

c) Demonstrate that the GUI is relatively lightweight
(compared to windoze/Mac), and a
problem with the window manager or Xserver wont (usually)
take down the whole system.

d) possibly have a machine set up with two monitors, and
some networked type X11 remote
apps going, so that people could some some of that X11
magic.  Oh, and pretty!

e) Most importantly, it would demonstrate that with Linux,
you can have it YOUR WAY.  Because
with Linux, it's all about YOU!

There, doesn't that have a nice ring to it ;)

Paul B. Krause

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