Adam Moore on Fri, 16 Apr 1999 00:23:23 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: Stdio.h & Stdlib.h

make xconfig is the Xwindows Kernel setup routine.
Anyway, I am trying to recomplie a kernel for IP
Masquerade. I'm almost sure its all lower case, but I
know about the case sensitive stuff. I'll try
installing any RPMs that look like what you say. I
really want to get this project done. It should really
beneifit alot of people (I'm doing this for a school).
All they have is one Windoze box connected to the
Internet and they have many students that need access.
I'm sure someone will get my idea <g>. 

--- Alexander Shinn <> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 15, 1999 at 07:50:32PM +0000,
> wrote:
> > OK. Im trying to run "make xconfig" and it works
> until it says it cant
> > find the two files that I named above. Does anyone
> have these files
> > or know where I can get them? They are not on my
> Mandrake CD, which I
> > dont get. Anyway, thanks for the help!
> What are you trying to compile?  These are the two
> most basic C headers,
> and are used by almost all C progams, so they most
> certainly are on your
> Mandrake CD (though they'd be wrapped up in an rpm).
> Make sure you have all the packages needed for C
> development.  I'm not
> sure exactly how RedHat/Mandrake break this up, but
> the packages should
> include gcc, cpp, the standard library and and
> assembler (packages
> gcc, cpp, libc6 and binutils in Debian).  If you set
> your box up for C
> development these should all have been installed
> from the start.
> One other thing: is it actually asking for "Stdio.h"
> and "Stdlib.h",
> capitalized like that?  These files are all
> lowercase, so if it's asking
> for them like this it's probably a program written
> (in very bad style)
> on a windows platform where filenames are case
> insensitive.
> --
> f00f
> --
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