Eric S. Raymond on Tue, 4 May 1999 18:35:33 -0400 (EDT) |
I maintain a utility called `harvester' that can be taught how to poll web pages and FTP directories and download package updates from them, sending notification mail to the administrator. The utility is written in Python, and presently detects and downloads RPMs reliably. It does as little work as possible; each potential download is checked against the lists of already-installed and already-downloaded RPMs. I use harvester to pull down any pending updates from the Red Hat and GNOME pages at 0400 each morning. I'm seeking a collaborator familiar with the Debian package system to assist me in enhancing harvester so that it can do the same service for Debian packages. I need the following things: 1. To know the Debian equivalent of `rpm -qa'. 2. To understand the conventions used for naming .deb files, so I can write regexps to parse them. 3. Someone to test harvester under Debian. -- <a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a> False is the idea of utility that sacrifices a thousand real advantages for one imaginary or trifling inconvenience; that would take fire from men because it burns, and water because one may drown in it; that has no remedy for evils except destruction. The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. -- Cesare Beccaria, as quoted by Thomas Jefferson's Commonplace book -- To unsubscribe, send a message with the word 'unsubscribe' in the subject or body of your message to