LeRoy D. Cressy on Tue, 25 May 1999 16:42:48 -0400 (EDT)

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Philadelphia Linux Users Group


TOPIC:  This month we will continue the discussion on having
	a trade show at the Pennsylvania Convention Center.

	Also we will discuss how to compile a kernel on any 
	distribution and how to install said kernel.  I have
	seen many questions that seem to be distribution
	specific and in reality allof the Linux distributions
	that I have seen either have the kernel in the root 
	directory or somewhere close to it.  We will look at
	the lilo.conf file to see where the present kernel is 

	Bring all of your Linux questions to the meeting and 
	the expertise of our great group will help you.

WHERE:  Cyberloft Cafe 
        1525 Walnut Street, 2nd floor 
        Philadelphia, PA        


When:   Wednesday June 2, 1999
        7 PM

COST:   None

PLUG:   Philadelphia Linux Users Group meets the first Wednesday 
        of every month.

Mostafa Eldefrawy (mostafa@netaxs.com) has been gracious and has 
provided PLUG with their meeting space.  For superior web page
design see http://www.cyberloft.com/

Hope to see you at the Cyberloft,

LeRoy Cressy

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           "       Home Page:    http://www.netaxs.com/~ldc/
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